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Fekadu Bekele
Volkswirt und Entwicklungsökonom
Afrikanische Beschäftigungskrise
Verwirrung und Täuschung im Namen der Entwicklungshilfe
Entwicklung und afrikanische Renaissance
Marshall Plan für Afrika
Afrikas Reichtum
Berichterstattung zur aktuellen Lage in Äthiopien
Jo Biden Speechs Before he leaves office
Conscieousness and Non-Conscieousness
The War in Ethiopia is a Proxy War-It is America`s war
The New Ruling Elite in Ethiopia that destroys its country
Critical approaches on American Imperialism
Understanding the relationship between America and the TPLF
Rolling backwards the Wheels of History
The War between Russia and Ukrain- Whose War is that?
Participating in the coming election will give the government legitimation to continue with its dictatorial policy
What wants the West from Ethiopia ?
Lack of patriotism and lie are hindering building a society based on Science and Technology II
Lack of Patriotism and Lie are hindering building a society based on Science and Technology-Part I
The Black and the White Juntas
The Greatest Crime in the Name of Politic- part 5
Corona and its impacts
Adowa and the Modernization policy and its messages
Small and Big Minds
A confusing Situtation and a confused leadership
The Confusion between what we wish and the process of reaching at it
What can we learn from Ubuntu?
Politics without philosophy brings destruction
Enlightening the Mind to come out of darkness
What is the main purpose of struggle ?
Politics through philosophical mirror
Critical Remarks on Brihanu Nega`s Interview
Speaking the Truth or searching the Truth-Part 1
Speaking the Truth or searching the Truth-Part II
Eskinder Nega`s sektarian politics
What is politics? Is it a profession or something else
The Political Problem in Ethiopia does not emanate from the Left
Can Abiy Ahmad cheat the West, specially America?
The Main Problem of present day Ethiopia Part II-Answer to Ephrem Madebo
The main Problem of present day Ethiopia-Answer to Ephrem Madebo
Critical Remarks on Mesfin Arega`s Accusation of Yonas Birus statement
The Political Danger of Worshiping an Individual
Is there really Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia?
Intellectual Confusion- Answer to Dr. Yonas and Prof. Messay
Baysa`s false understanding of the concept of social contract
Is Oromumma a political Philosophy or the Ideology of the Petite Bourgeoisie ?
Instrumentalizing the quetion of Nationalities for the sake of political power
`Critical Remarks on Geletaw Zeleke`s Interview
Critical remarks on Tibebu Samuel Ferenje`s article
Making crimes in the name of politics- I
Making Crimes in the name of politics-II
The Greatest Crime in the name of politics- III
The Greatest Crime in the name of Politics-IV
politics as a science and mathematics I
Politics should be seen as science and mathematics-II
Politics as a belief and vision
Spiritual freedom and correct reading of social realities
The aim of the Struggle- seizing political power or building a civilized society
New Legislation- Foreign Banks in Ethiopia
Floating Ethiopian Currency
Abiy Ahmad`s visit to Singapore
The Road towards Economic Progress
The Fate of a given country and its people will be decided by 2-5% of the people
The Crucial Role of Science and Technology for a Holistic Development and comprehensive peace
Holistic Economic Model versus Neo-Liberal Model Answer to Dr. Birhanu Abegaz
Killing the Economy of Ethiopia-about the new Cental Bank Chef in Ethiopia
Critical Remarks on Macroeconomic Problems in Ethiopia
Science and Technolgy are the foundations of genuine Economic development!
Making Crimes in the Name of Market Economy
The Case of Dr. Eleni Gebremedhin
Introducing New Birr(currency)
Homegrown Economy
The rise and fall of a nation is being determined by the right Economic policy that is being implemented!
Economic growth that produces poverty- the nature of the Ethiopian Economy!
What kind of benefit does Ethiopia get if she becomes the member of the WTO?
Becoming the member of the WTO has no any economic advantage for an underdeveloped Economy!
Market Economy or Capitalism!
When will we be free from Debt bondage?
Globalization and its Impacts on Ethiopia
Financial Crisis in America
Employment Crisis in Africa
African Renaissance and Economic Development
Compact with Africa or exploiting Africa
Development Aid or deception
I can`t eat GDP
Is Africa really rising?
The Greek debt crisis
Why Free Trade Agreements with the EU will hurt African countries!
African Perspectives
Dead Aid
Adowa and its impacts on Nation Building
Nomads in shadow of Empires-book Review
Interviews (Audio)
The Question of Nationalities through the Mirror of Science and Philospophy
Freedom, democracy and the question of nationalities
Unederstanding political methodology
Strategic mistakes in politics and its negative impatcs
Understanding the Essence of the Rule of Law
Social Classes versus Ethnicity- It is unscientific to count the number of people according ethnic lines
Global financial crisis and its economic impacts
Various issues
The Election of Dr. Abiy-is a hindernace for Democracy and Development or is a help?
It is not Africa`s War-it is a proxy war-Answer to Shaleqa Dawit!
Beyond dictatorship-understanding complex political construction
Seizing power or building a new Ethiopia
The Enemies of the Ethiopian people
Fascism or something else- understanding the nature of the State in Ethiopia
Predatory State and Global Capitalism-the case in Ethiopia
Science & Social
Critical Remarcs on Yonas Biru-about Quantum Physics
Book Review
Book Review II
The impact of Architecture and city building on the human soul
Social question & not nationality problem
Compact with Africa or exploiting Africa